“Where have you seen evidence of caring in your community lately?”
Welcome, Call to Worship, Opening Prayer
Power of your love
Introduction to Focus
Jesus Sends Disciples (based on Matt. 9:35-10:23)
Shipwreck Story
Beauty for Brokenness
Prayer of Confession & Affirmation
Church Prayers
Good morning everyone this is Allan Ryan bringing to you the church prayers.
Thanks for this day Lord, for this Sunday. Thank you that you will see us through our trials. Thank you for the members here who are bringing the service to us via media. It is great that we still have a connection. Please bring services back to normal ….whatever form that will be, not only here but throughout the city, state and country. Thanks for our medical staff on the front line at the hospitals and medical clinics. Please….. we ask that a vaccine for the virus will be found soon. Stop the spread please. There is a lot of unrest about this . Thanks for the police force and the army of men and women assisting ….who have a difficult job to do in this time. Please, there are many people who are becoming sad and despondent who can’t see family or loved ones. It’s very hard to cope. Many need jobs, many are fearful of the future, bewildered. Bless our families. Lord will you please be with each and every family and friend of those who have died because of this virus?
Lord, please calm the turmoil in the US, the riots, the hate. Please bring calm, peace, a way for everyone to get on. No looting. A better way for the future. This has been a challenging year Lord. The Covid -19 problems. The ill feeling between China and US. The riots in the US. The bush fires, the lives lost. There are many despairing. Lonely, angry, anxious, depressed. Lift our spirits, let us know that there are better days coming.
Lord, would you meet the needs of your people from Kedron? Some of us are battling health problems, some are seeking work, some are seeking meaning, some are bewildered with what is happening in the world. We struggle with our faith at times. Cast out our fears, touch us, point us in the right direction, and keep us strong. Shine your light in the darkness please. May many be drawn to the light and feel the hope that you give us.
Lord, help us to forgive, to care, to make this country a good one, to share our money however little or much we may have. Let us be honest with you…. you know us anyway. Thanks that we are meeting over the internet today. Let us fear not and help us move on into the future knowing you are with us.