[02-Feb-2025 04:42:05 Australia/Sydney] PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant ABSPATH - assumed 'ABSPATH' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/bncofcco/public_html/wp-content/themes/thrive-theme/thrive-dashboard/inc/app-notification/classes/DbMigration.php on line 2 [02-Feb-2025 04:42:05 Australia/Sydney] PHP Warning: require_once(ABSPATHwp-admin/includes/upgrade.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bncofcco/public_html/wp-content/themes/thrive-theme/thrive-dashboard/inc/app-notification/classes/DbMigration.php on line 2 [02-Feb-2025 04:42:05 Australia/Sydney] PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'ABSPATHwp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' (include_path='.:/opt/alt/php73/usr/share/pear') in /home/bncofcco/public_html/wp-content/themes/thrive-theme/thrive-dashboard/inc/app-notification/classes/DbMigration.php on line 2 21 June – Brisbane North Oasis Church of Christ

Call to Worship 

O Lord, you lead me (“Have faith in God”)

Opening Prayer

Intro to Genesis Reading

Genesis 21:9-21

Intro to Matthew Reading

Matthew 10:26-39

Conversations with Myself

Prayer & Affirmation

How Deep the Father’s Love for Us


Prayers of the People

Father God, we come before you as your children, thankful for your love and parenting. You give us all we need, and delight us with the beauty and wonder of your creation. We thank you for the gift of slowing life down- a positive side effect of Covid 19. The sunrises and sunsets have been magnificent, the times of stillness when we can enjoy birdsong that used to get lost in the noise of the everyday. We appreciate the quick chats with neighbours and the genuine concern for each other’s wellbeing. All of this comforts us and makes your closeness known to us.

We ask you to be with our Government as they gradually open up our country again, always trying to balance less restrictions with health and economic concerns. Be present in their deliberations and shelter them from criticism that tries to force their hand.

We know you are saddened by hatred and vitriol that abounds in our world. We pray for Justice that will see the end of deaths of all who have been let down by the justice system. Please stop people using these tensions for their own gain or retribution. Help us all to act in Godly ways when we see abuse and wrongdoing, and vote so as to encourage insight and reconciliation. Let us have your heart O God because we are all important to you.

Our prayer continues for our medical people and for the scientific research that is happening. We pray that the sharing of knowledge will become the permanent way humanity helps each other. Help us play our part and keep ourselves and others safe by the simple protections we all can carry out.

The difficult problem of mental disability has been made more evident with isolation. God, you made us to be with others so we could share problems and enjoy companionship. For those who have found this time emotionally devastating, we ask your healing.

We give you thanks that gradually, the opportunities to come together are happening. Thank you for friends and family. As we enjoy these relationships, help it to also be a time of forgiveness as we realise just how important we are to each other. Allow bridges to be built and a positive foundation laid for the future.

Father, each of us are aware of people and situations that need your love and healing. Let us bring those to you now---------- 

For the love you give us through your Son, we thank you. We are privileged to have you as our Father. Be with your church here on earth and help us to present You and your love to all people so that everyone might know forgiveness and a joyous way of living. We pray in your Son’s name, Amen


Longing for light 

Sending Out